Released wmMultiPop3-0.9
and moved website to
Website has moved to a new location.
New release. You can now run a command on new mail. And some bugs were fixed.
Download wmMultiPop3-0.8 now!
The great thing with these modifications is that now I only need one dockapp instead of the three copies of wmPop3 which have cluttered my desktop for a while.
Some screenshots
Here is all you need to know about using wmMultiPop3:
1: Indicates that you got new mail. Left mouse click here will launch your
2: Indicates if automatic mailchecking is turned on (green = on).
3: Number of new mail in mailbox displayed in (8).
4: Total number of new mail.
5: Change mailbox displayed in (3) & (8).
6: Check for new mail.
7: Turn automatic mailchecking on/off.
8: Identifier for current mailbox.
In wmMultiPop3-0.7 (and above versions) you can specify commands which will be executed upon a mouseclick inside the dockapp. You can specify separate commands for all three mouse-buttons. In wmMultiPop-0.8 and above you can also specify a command which will be executed when you've got new mail.